Happy 1/2 b-day sassy pants.
At a whopping 30 pounds and 35 inches tall, the Dr says you're off the charts and the size of a 2 year old, so slow down. Now I guess I know why random strangers look at me weird when they try to talk to you, and you jibber jabber back instead of talking in complete sentences. You have a few dozen words in your vocabulary now and you are putting them together, but a lot of them sound the same. No one knows what you are really saying except Mama, Daddy, G-ma and Papa. We have no trouble recognizing the "I love you" that sounds more like "I wha yo."
However, you have decided to start acting like a 2 year old before you're actually 2 years old.
Tantrums. Oh, the tantrums. It's so hard to decide between the red or green cup... why can't you just have them both? Choices, my dear. Life is all about choices.
Today, for example, I'm choosing NOT to accept the fact that you are getting bigger and more independent every day. Instead, I will pick you up from G-ma and Papa after work and hope that you will cuddle with me and lay your head down on my shoulder... for at least 2 seconds, like you did when you were only a few months old.
The best part about you turning 1 1/2 is that you are your own little person. You know what you want, and you usually know where it is or how to get it. The question is, are you allowed to have it? Coloring book and crayons, yes. Daddy's opened full Pepsi can, no. The thing is, you know you're not allowed to have Daddy's soda, but you still try. Every day. Multiple times a day. But you're learning. We're both learning. If we say "no" everyday, maybe one day you won't act surprised when we say "no." Maybe one day you won't fuss and make the pouty face when we tell you "no." Maybe one day you'll stop asking.
But I don't mind. I like that you know what you want and what you like. I like that you know to get your shoes before we go outside and try to put them on your feet. I like watching your curious little mind try to figure out how to get your feet into the shoes. I like that when you can't figure it out, you bring Mama her shoes to put on to watch how I do it. I like that when you give up on your own feet you will go get your baby doll, tell her to "sit down," and put your shoes on the baby doll's feet. You're kind of bossy, but that's the way most big sisters are, so you're right on track.
We tell you, "There's a baby in Mama's belly."
You ask, "where's?" with your arms raised in the air.
"In Mama's belly. You want to kiss the baby?"
You nod yes and lean forward and hug and kiss your baby sister.
"Now, can Mama and Daddy have a kiss?"
You turn sideways and push your right shoulder up and say "Nooooooooo," with inflection in your voice as if it's a question.
Ok, Fine. Maybe next time.
So, Happy 1/2 birthday baby girl. You bring us joy and laughter with a pinch of a lesson in patience every day.
We love you.