We cannot believe you're almost ONE! We're in denial and secretly think if we don't prepare for your birthday party, it simply won't happen...
The past year was full of amazing memories and emotions. While making your birthday video this weekend, we reflected on how much we've changed. Not just how big you've gotten, but how our love as a family has grown. We cannot imagine our life without you, and honestly can't remember what we did with all our spare time pre-Mallory. We watch you sleep and are still in awe that we created you. You are so perfect in every way.
Your Daddy and I got pregnant with you the month we got married. We knew we wanted you, but didn't know you wanted us too, so soon. We were shocked and overjoyed. We spent the next 9 months planning for your arrival. We had a lot of work to do to our 112 year old house. We stripped trim, ripped down wallpaper, painted, built a new closet for your fancy wardrobe, purchased pretty pink decore, and daydreamed about holding you in our arms.
The pregnancy went by quickly, but not in comparison to the first year of your life. Just yesterday we were delicatley supporting your little head as we gently passed you around the room while you slept. We were searching through your tiny clothes to find the smallest outfit in hopes it would fit. We bounced you like your Great Grandma Goldie said to do to calm a colicky baby, swaddled you to sleep tight, and put the paci back in your mouth over and over again. We dangled toys above your head and got excited when you showed the slightest interest in them. Every day brought something new for you to learn or do. We egged you on to roll over, sit up, crawl and even walk.
These days you are the boss. You bring us toys to play with, books to read, and you even point at the dog and say "ruff." You've taught us what foods you love: cheese, mashed potatoes, frozen peas and turkey... and foods you hate: green beans. You rub those beautiful hazel eyes when you're sleepy, and we know that means it's time for your bedtime routine of a bath, lotion and footed PJs. If we stall, you get fussy and persistant and remind us you're on a schedule. You are a big girl! You point to your silky blanket in your crib begging to get in bed. You even sleep all night (most nights). You entertain yourself in your room and walk back and forth handing us toys with the intention that we will tell you what it is and hand it right back. We love watching you play and wonder what's going on in that brilliant little brain as you discover what your toys do and the noises they make.
After a long day at work, you always put a smile on our faces. One little gummy grin or giggle melts away all the cares and stresses of the day. Your sweet slobbery kiss and brief cuddles reminded us that you are the love of our lives.
You have taught us so much in this single year. Lessons about unconditional love, patience, and the most important thing in this world... our family. Thank you for making our lives so wonderful and colorful.
All our love baby girl,
Momma & Daddy
You're invitations that we hand made with love. Daddy even helped, and Momma thinks he secretly liked being crafty ;)
1 comment:
Love the invitations! You guys did a fantastic job!
Julaine - Momma to Lorelei
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