It's ironic that today at school, the director decided to let Mallory spend some time in her soon-to-be new toddler class room to get aquainted. I have been very nervous about this transition. Along with the room change comes the demands of eating in a chair at a table instead of in a highchair, napping on a cot instead of in a crib, and only 1 nap a day instead of 2. Well, apparently she's more ready for it than I am! She was there from 9:30 am until 4:15 pm. She ate (some) big kid lunch: goulash, pears and milk. She even napped on her cot like a big girl for 1 1/2 hours. That's more than I ever would've expected on her first day!
When I picked her up, she anxiously pointed out all the new things in her new room. The sink, toys, mirror, table, etc... We went outside to check out her playground where she'll get 2 outside playtimes a day! She was so proud of herself. She even pointed out her "art" project on the wall; an elephant cut-out w/ crayon scribbles. What a big girl she's becoming!
Once loaded in the car to go home, she let out a big sigh, reached for her blanket and gazed at me with half-opened eye lids. She was asleep before we hit the highway. It was a quiet ride home, like the old days of riding with an infant.
Once home, it was our normal routine of dinner, play, bath, PJs and nursing. Then she surprisingly laid her head down on my shoulder and snuggled me for a long time while I sang to her. This is not normal Mallory behavior. She's usually too busy to lay her head down at all, let alone for more than 10 seconds. She must've known I was sad about her getting so big so fast, and I needed it. Thank you punky, you made my night! You are, and always will be, my sweet little baby girl!
1 comment:
Hi Allie and Mal!! We miss you over on the slackers thread!! Come see us!
Nancy and Zada
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