At 27 pounds and 33 inches, you're off the charts!
This spring has been so fun! You love to be outside exploring the yard and walking all over the neighborhood. You have a mind of your own and are learning everyday how to express yourself. You take my finger and say, "Come on," and walk me across the street to your friend, Sophia's house. Then you climb up the stairs and run over to the swing and point relentlessly until I put you in it. I ask, "Do you want me to push you?" You grab onto the rope and say "Yeeeeeeah!" When we drive by the park, you point and make noise so we'll stop and play. You LOVE the slide and are such a big girl you go down all by yourself!
You're becoming affectionate! This may be my favorite milestone yet! You give the best kisses in the world... you lean way in and make a fishy face complete with kissy sound effects ;) You give hugs and high-fives too! You also bring us books, turn around and back up and plop into our lap. Then you turn the pages as we read and point to all the things on the pages. For now, all animals make a "ruff-ruff" noise. We're working on that ;)
You're using sign language consistantly. Mostly at meal times for "more" and "please."
Your vocabulary is growing too... it started with Momma, Dad, Ball, Dog, and Ruff... and now you say Water (wa), Kitty, Hi, Bye-bye, Thank You (da-doo), Come on, Boo (peek-a-boo), Nose, Eye, Uh-oh, Hot, and of course you say No... even though sometimes you mean yes. You even know some of your body parts and point to them when we say them: belly (you lift up our shirt), feet (you stomp), toes (which are very ticklish), hands, eye, ear, nose, and tongue (you stick it out). You know where your shoes go, and like to put ours on our feet. And although you can only say a dozen or so words, you understand sooooooooooo much more...
To top it all off, you're gonna be the best big sister ever! Yep, that's right... you're gonna be a big sister sometime around Thanksgiving... so keep practicing feeding your baby dolls and rocking them, and kissing them, because Momma and Daddy are going to need your help! But don't worry, you'll always be our baby girl!