Monday, October 20, 2008

Queen Bee

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Happy Halloween

...with the real queen ;-)

...with the pirate mac Grant

Monday, October 13, 2008

Fall Fashion

this seasons look is all about layers, boots and silly faces.

The Cutest Pumpkin in the Whole Patch

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We went to Carolyn's Pumpkin Patch with Grandma and Grandpa to pick out pumpkins the good old fashion way. While we were there, we road the train, fed the goats, watched a pig race and ate kettle corn.
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We live in an old historic neighborhood that has gone from very few children to nearly a dozen in only a few years time. We get together for play dates, neighborhood BBQs, to celebrate birthdays, and holidays. They are our extended family. The moms are my support system and their children are Mallory's playmates. We are truely blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives and right next door.

our most recent outing: The Zoo

A weekly event: walk to the park complete with snacks
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Chiefs 4x6


We decided to sign Mallory up for a parent-tot gymnastics class. I'm not sure who get's the better work out out of the deal... Mama or Mallory.
We invited Grandma and Grandpa to come watch and take a few pictures while they were in town so they could see Mallory in action.


The class consists of 5 toddlers and their parents and 1 teacher. It is set up in a circuit and the mom's task is to keep the kid on task. This means no throwing balls out of the ball pit, no stealing the stuffed animals off the balance beam, waiting your turn for the trampoline and getting off when the turn is over, etc...

The class is only 30 minutes long, but leaves all the moms sweatier than the kids.
It's been a great experience for both of us. It is now clear that Mallory can follow simple instructions, when she wants to... and she can decide to disobey and she knows it. This usually results in a "talk" and sometimes a quick tantrum. Then it's back to summersaults and tunnel crawling in no time.

Several of Mallory's friends were in the class to, Kolby, Riley and Grant. The kids all get a treat at the end of class... and their favorite is sucker day! This makes for a nice sticky ride home ;-)