Mallory begs to go ow-side to play, and when we tell her it's cold, she runs screaming through the house, "Jacket, hat, gloves!" and brings them to us! There is no outsmarting a toddler!
Thank goodness Bill is great at accomidating and entertaining her while I tend to Whitney and stay warm inside (except for the occasional photo opp).

On this particular day, I was upstairs changing a diaper, and Mallory is downstairs in her PJs eating breakfast w/ Daddy. All of a sudden, I hear the front door slam shut and silence... I was afraid of what I would find out in the snow... a toddler in footed PJs and only a hat? But nope... Bill did a great job of squeazing Mallory into her year old snow suit, jacket, boots, hat AND gloves and they were having a great time!