Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Easter!

Mallory was invited to an Easter Egg Hunt with several other kiddos we get together with on holidays. I wasn't sure if she'd be into "hunting eggs." But, to my surprise, she loved it! She got 9 eggs, which isn't too shabby for a 12 month old.
Her favorite thing was just carrying them around and banging them together. Then I would point at the basket, she'd put them in and find 2 more, one for each hand.
IMG_2346 copyf
The part she didn't like was the group photo... yep, that's my kid making the pathetic face... you'd think the Easter bunny bit her.
Once she got a snack, she was a happy camper again! Food always tames the wild animals.
We had Easter dinner at Grandma and Papa's house. Our neighbors and adopted family, Frans, Tammy and the triplets came too. It was a full house with 4 high chairs around the table. Everyone had plenty to eat and drink, as usual. We had a wonderful time and are truely blessed with such great family and friends.
Mallory says, "Next year we're dying eggs and making a mess."

Monday, March 10, 2008

Big Girl Transition

3/10 holds a special place in my heart... as it was Mallory's due date.
my favorite things

It's ironic that today at school, the director decided to let Mallory spend some time in her soon-to-be new toddler class room to get aquainted. I have been very nervous about this transition. Along with the room change comes the demands of eating in a chair at a table instead of in a highchair, napping on a cot instead of in a crib, and only 1 nap a day instead of 2. Well, apparently she's more ready for it than I am! She was there from 9:30 am until 4:15 pm. She ate (some) big kid lunch: goulash, pears and milk. She even napped on her cot like a big girl for 1 1/2 hours. That's more than I ever would've expected on her first day!

When I picked her up, she anxiously pointed out all the new things in her new room. The sink, toys, mirror, table, etc... We went outside to check out her playground where she'll get 2 outside playtimes a day! She was so proud of herself. She even pointed out her "art" project on the wall; an elephant cut-out w/ crayon scribbles. What a big girl she's becoming!

Once loaded in the car to go home, she let out a big sigh, reached for her blanket and gazed at me with half-opened eye lids. She was asleep before we hit the highway. It was a quiet ride home, like the old days of riding with an infant.

Once home, it was our normal routine of dinner, play, bath, PJs and nursing. Then she surprisingly laid her head down on my shoulder and snuggled me for a long time while I sang to her. This is not normal Mallory behavior. She's usually too busy to lay her head down at all, let alone for more than 10 seconds. She must've known I was sad about her getting so big so fast, and I needed it. Thank you punky, you made my night! You are, and always will be, my sweet little baby girl!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Don't mess with my Tutu...

Mallory LOVES her birthday tutu from our friends and neightbors, Jim, Jessie and Sophia. She ran around the kitchen showing me all her moves.

my balerina


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Mallory is ONE today!

us girls
Your Momma and Daddy have been reflecting on the sequence of events in our lives one year ago... as we anxiously awaited your arrival. What a wonderful day it was.

March 4, 2007. 5:02 pm.
Bill and I were making a plaster cast of my enormous pregnant baby belly, when G-ma and G-pa Kelker came to take us out to dinner. Then the phone rang. It was Mimi; she wasn't feeling well. Bill called an ambulance. We took a rain-check on dinner and rushed to her house to meet the emergency crew. Her blood sugar was dangerously low. As they made arrangements to get her to the hospital, I went to use the restroom... which I frequently did in my third trimester. As I stood up, I felt a gush... did I just wet myself? Did my water just break? I didn't expect it to be bloody, so I was scared! Thankfully one of the paramedics checked me out. Everything was fine, and our baby girl was on her way!

March 4, 2007. 6:20 pm
We called Dr Matile, and he advised us to get to the hospital "sooner than later." But I was still hungry! We got Mimi in route to the hospital, drove home to pack our bags. Pack? Yes. We had NOT done this yet, my due date was over a week away. Then off to the hospital we hurried... still without anything to eat!

March 4, 2007. 7:34 pm
I was dialted to a 2 at check in. It was a long uneventful night. I had cervidal gel to help dialate my cervix so I had to stay laying down. I couldn't sleep I was too excited and nervous! Bill stayed the night with me and got only a few hours of shut-eye himself.

March 5, 2007. 6:00 am.
Dr Matile started pictocin to "get things moving" as I was not contracting on my own.

March 5, 2007. 7:54 am.
G-ma & G-pa Kelker and G-ma & Papa Williams arrived at the hospital excited to meet their new grandbaby! The morning was tollerable, with contractions every few minutes. I was able to breathe through them at this point. We all hung out together and laughed and joked and had a good time. I was overjoyed that all 4 of my parents could come together to share this wonderful journey with me. However, I was sad that Mimi was stuck in another hospital fighting to her get vitals stable and not able to be part of this very special day.

March 5, 2007. 11:33 am.
The soon-to-be new granparents went to get a bite to eat. When they returned, they found me in a much different state. Full on contractions that were nearly unbareable. At this time, I requested my epidural. It took 45 min to get the Anesthesiologist in my room, and he had to adjust it a few times. In the end, my left side was completely numb, but I could still feel my right side. It was better than nothing.

March 5, 2007. 1:02 pm.
Time for Bill to get a bite to eat and for me to relax for a while before the real hard work began. My mom stayed with me. I was very nauseated. Then, only a few minutes after Bill left for the cafeteria, I told the nurse I needed to potty. She said, "No honey, I think it's time to push, let's check you." I was dialted to a 9! Showtime? Quick, someone find my husband! He didn't even get through the lunch line before he was rallied back to the delivery room. Now we both were starving!

March 5, 2007. 2:32 pm.
Before I knew it, Dr Matile was in position, Bill on my left side, Mom on my right, and I was pushing with all my might. I was exhausted. I was hungry. I was in pain. But most of all, I was excited to meet our Princess Petunia Pickle-bottom.

March 5, 2007. 4:24 pm.
Mallory Lynn McWillie was born, weighing a stout 8 lbs 12 ounces, and a lengthy 21 3/4" long. She was very alert, but not crying like they wanted. The nurses "worked" on her for a few minutes, suctioning out her airways. She never did cry, like you see in the movies. Once her stats where stable, she snuggled right up to me and latched on for her first drink of milk. She was so thirsty from her long stressful afternoon. Neither of us knew what we were doing, but together we figured it out. I felt so bad it took me so long to push her out. Her little head was cone-shaped, but we knew she was the most perfect baby ever!

Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Girl!

Monday, March 3, 2008


Today, a friend asked me how I've changed since becoming a mother. What a difficult question to answer... I'm sharing my reply...

I don't know where to begin. My priorities have changed in so many ways since Mallory came into my life! I'm learning to be a patient person. I watch my language because I know she is a sponge and will one day regurgitate everything I've said. For the first time in my life, someone else's needs and wants come before my own. I could stare at her all day long and not get bored. I use coupons. I wake up at the slightest noise or whimper. Her smile is contagious no matter how mad or sad I am. I carry a huge purse, not a cute clutch, full of diapers instead of make-up and lip gloss. She get's new clothes, I wear old ones (my friends warned me this would happen, but I didn't believe them... they were right.) I am the pony-tail queen, there are too many other things to do than my own hair. I am anal about my floors being clean, but I don't mind the clutter of toys across the room. I understand the phrase "unconditional love." I sit on the floor instead of the couch. I like making funny animal noises. I cry at sappy commercials and love songs I hear on the radio. My heart physically hurts when she is sick, and I would do anything to take away the pain. I talk about her 24/7. I plan play dates with neighborhood kids instead of "girls night out" with friends. Sleep is optional. I breastfeed in public. I wear flats instead of high heels. I wear sports bras outside the gym. I sing silly songs and know too many nursery rhymes to count, but I have no clue what songs are on the top 40 count down. I talk to myself outloud in public and play goofy games with her in the check-out line. I lick my finger and wipe her face and don't think it's yucky. Now it takes me twice as long to leave the house. I scrapbook. I'm home by 9 pm every night of the week and really don't miss the bar scene. I appriciate my parents and know they love me more than I understand. I return phone calls the same day so no one worries. Instead of hurrying, I take the long way home so she can finish her nap in the carseat. I slow down at yellow traffic lights. I talk about bodily fluids, their consistency and frequency. I plan dinner menus in advance. We eat at the dinning room table, not in front of the TV. I worry. I'm organized. I could go on and on... I'm a mom. It's the most indescribable feeling! You don't know what you were missing in life until you have a little miracle of your own... then you wonder how you ever lived with out them!


We had Mallory's FIRST birthday party this weekend. She LOVED being the center of attention! Daddy picked out her dress, G-ma Kathie and Papa got her dressed, G-ma Nancy and G-pa John made her a special b-day bib, and Momma and G-ma Nancy made her cakes (strawberry w/ cream cheese icing and vanilla wafer polka-dots). Papa tied a balloon onto the back of her dress and she ran around with the balloon hovering above her little head squealing and showing off. She carried more balloons from room to room all afternoon and weaved her way in and out of the crowd as fast as her little legs would allow.

b-day party girl

The guests included family, friends and neighbors. We gathered around to sing Happy Birthday, and Mallory froze. She stared at everyone with a puzzled look and we wondered if she was going to cry. We gave her the cake, and she barely touched it, delicately licked the frosting off her fingers and put little pieces of cake in her mouth as if it was no big deal. Bite after bite, she gazed around the room at all the guests staring back at her. She was so careful, she didn't even need a bath afterwards!
the tableIMG_1858 copyIMG_1862fIMG_1868f

Then it was time for presents. She received lots of gifts to her college fund, a savings bond, and, of course, several toys and super duper cute spring and summer clothing. She is the best dressed little girl in school, thanks to all our family and friends!

It's FUN to be ONE!
presents rock!

We're blessed to have so many great people gather to celebrate with us and help her enjoy her special day. She had a wonderful time!